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This special page shows all uploaded files.

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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:21, 19 January 2015 JohnSmith.gif (file) 278 KB Admin John Smith Test Image 1
22:25, 19 January 2015 JohnSmithPoodle.png (file) 432 KB Admin John Smith's Pet Poodle Barathea 1
22:26, 19 January 2015 JohnSmithPirateFlag.png (file) 29 KB Admin John Smith's Pirate Flag 1
22:27, 19 January 2015 JohnSmithPajamas.jpg (file) 610 KB Admin John Smith's Pajamas 1
13:10, 20 January 2015 UnknownPerson.png (file) 6 KB Admin This version has better dimensions when scaled to the 380px default width for profile images. 2

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