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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:45, 4 March 2015 IrelandWrightArms.jpg (file) 14 KB Admin These armorial bearings are attributed by some as belonging to a Wright of Ireland. It features a blue shield containing three silver axes. Rietstap describes similar arms for Wright with the addition of four gold-toothed spears in the chief. 1
12:30, 15 March 2015 Relationship between Olive Welby & Joshua Benton Wright..pdf (file) 46 KB Admin Reverted to version as of 21:54, 27 February 2015 1
12:59, 15 March 2015 Jack-and-Sheila-with-kids.jpg (file) 365 KB Admin John Wright III with wife Sheila Wright and kids 1
13:26, 29 May 2017 Lady Godiva John Collier c 1897.jpg (file) 377 KB Admin Painting of Lady Godiva riding nude through the streets of Coventry, England, by John Collier. 1
13:41, 29 May 2017 Copenhagen snuff-76 1.jpg (file) 2.62 MB Admin Tabby Taylor's extra strength Copenhagen Snuff box. 1

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